
  • Monday, March 31, 2014


    Sometimes you have a great idea, one that MUST be made a reality RIGHT AWAY. Our little "library" was a GREAT idea... until the middle child saw it. " MY BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" needless to say after much screaming and explaining we packed it up and put that idea away for now.

    Kids cherish items we consider trash or not as useful to us anymore. They cherish the non sticky sticker, the doll missing an eye, the barbie with no neck (you know what I am talking about) and they NOTICE when those things have disappeared.

    As much as we would like to have our kids participate and give selflessly sometimes you need to compromise, or as I learned, include them in the choosing of items.

    I didn't get my library, but we did donate bed sheets to a local shelter on behalf of a little gal in California. We also started our herb pots to share with others this summer. A lesson was learned, now excuse me while I go dream up some more activities (with the kids of course).


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